
Treating Yourself as a child of God will Change your Whole Life

Have you ever felt so secured and protected in the arms of your earthly Father? If your answer is “yes!” then know that you will also feel the same thing in the arms of God if you will only treat Him as your Father. Living as a child of God makes a lot of difference because it changes the way you live this life. It will shift your perspective, and you will be so fulfilled and complete. So never treat yourself as an orphan. You may think that you never received some love from your mother or earthly father, but always remember that God loves you so much. He always treats you as His beloved, and that will never change no matter how many mistakes you commit in life.

An orphan spirit lives in a life that seeks approval, while a child of God moves according to how his Father sees him. A person who knows his identity in the Lord will stop pleasing other people. He knows his heart and the things that he likes. He doesn’t depend on his actions according to what others are saying because he is already aware of the things that God wants Him to do. Remember that if you have an orphan spirit, you will always be affected by the comments of other people, and you will think that you are not good enough. But as long as you choose to live according to what your Heavenly Father has been telling you, then you will never be destroyed by others.

A child of God moves in love, but the heart of an orphan always welcome the fear from the enemy. He is afraid of the future, and he thinks that everything depends on him. He tries to control his situation and gets frustrated every time he can’t achieve his plans. But a person who treats God as his Father will never be anxious about what lies ahead because he knows that God will always be with him wherever he goes. He trusts in the Father’s love, and he will always choose to grow in faith even if sometimes, it takes pain and difficulties. He is willing to go through a tough journey because he knows that His Father will always be with him.

Now, which one are you? Do you treat yourself as a child of God? Or do you still have an orphan Spirit? If you know that deep inside, your identity is not yet rooted in the Lord, then it’s time to go back to His arms. Know that He is just waiting for you. He prepared great things for you, but sad to say, you will fail to appreciate His blessings because you still treat yourself as an orphan. Remember that you are a child of God. Your Father is the creator of this universe, and that means you are destined for greater things, and it’s beyond what you can imagine.