True Friends May Hurt You But They Will Never Leave You
Did you ever meet someone who is never afraid to tell you the truth, even if it hurts? Did you encounter a person in your life that’s always there for you and never leave you behind? If you happen to have that kind of friend right now, please don’t let them go because they are real treasures.
They say a friend is someone who will always comfort you and make you happy when you are sad. Yes, it’s somehow true but there’s still something more. They may always be there for you and they want you to be happy but they will always choose to correct you instead of comforting you. They will choose to point out the wrong so that you will improve. They are more concerned with your growth than what you feel inside.
Real friends tell you the truth even if it hurts. When they see you sad because of a stupid reason, they will comfort you by making you realize that what you did is something that you should not do again. They may be harsh at first, but sooner or later, you will realize that what they said is true. And you will end up realizing that your friends truly care for you.
It’s a very rare opportunity to meet someone who will question your values, someone who will challenge your thoughts and most of all someone who will stay and laugh with you after an argument. That is a true friend. They will still choose to stay even if both of you have so many differences.
So, do me a favor, if you think that your friends desire for your personal growth more than anything else, then please do the same thing for them. Don’t leave them because they also need you. If you see something wrong then correct them also. Comfort them, then after they feel better, let them see and realize the consequences of their actions. And if you do that, you will experience so much growth together.
Be that kind of friend who is true and genuine enough to tell the truth. They may feel pain at first and worst case, they will try to avoid you because their hearts are not yet open to receive the truth, but still choose to stay. Learn to wait and be patient to them. And when they come back, welcome them with your open arms and your warm hug because that’s the moment when they will realize that you are a gift from God.
Friendship has also ups and downs, joy and laughter, pain and brokenness. And if you happen to experience all of these things with your friends, then you are so blessed because you are growing together. Keep them in your hearts, don’t take them for granted because being with them is one of the best moments in life.