True Repentance isn’t just about asking for Forgiveness
Committing a mistake really feels disappointing, especially when you unknowingly hurt others because of your wrong choices. It’s not easy to deal with it. It will kill your pride, and it will force you to humble yourself. It feels uncomfortable, and guilt will try to attack you. But there is this one thing that you can do. Choose to Repent. This may feel like a heavy word, but you need to do it so that you can set yourself free from the bondage of the past. True repentance isn’t just about feeling sorry for what happened, but it’s about changing the way you see things. The possible reason why you committed a mistake is because you have a different mindset. It starts first inside. Maybe you see things according to your own understanding, and you fail to ask for God’s wisdom. That’s why He needs to change the way you think so that when you face the same situation, you will know what’s the best thing to do.
Choose to do the right thing. It won’t be easy, especially when your mind is crowded with negative thoughts. Fear will try to consume you. But just do it for God. Let His love conquer the fears and guilt inside. Do the right thing even if it hurts and scary. Know that your Father in heaven is so merciful. He will stay with you. He will hold your hands and give you a reason to keep going. He will be your strength. He will slowly heal your heart until you have the courage to honor and glorify Him despite what you feel. Fix your eyes on His will so that you won’t be tempted to go back and commit the same mistake.
True repentance is about doing the will of God. It’s about following His voice even if you can’t understand everything. It’s about acknowledging His power even in the midst of pain. When you ask for forgiveness, it means that from then on, you are now willing to correct the wrong things that you did. You will patiently face the consequences. And you will no longer think the same way. Instead, you will align your thoughts with God’s purpose. If you want to repent, then it means that you will take the necessary steps that you need to please God and not yourself. It’s not just a decision, but you need to take some serious actions to address your situation.
It’s good to ask forgiveness, but it means nothing if you are not genuinely serious about it. If you are really sorry about the things that you did, then choose to change. Stop making the same mistake. Change your mindset. Learn from God. Let your soul be rooted in His love. Stop listening to your own voice. God wants to lead you, but the painful truth is you sometimes follow your own understanding. Humble yourself and depend on God. Wait on Him, and He will transform you from the inside out.