

Trust is a precious gift
Sometimes, it’s very difficult for you to give it away
Simply because you already experienced pain
You tried to trust someone before
But they broke it,
And now you feel so devastated

You may find it hard to trust once again
But always remember that life requires us to trust
And it takes so much courage to do it
Just remember that you can always ask God’s help
His love will give you the strength to trust someone again

The pain will no longer hinder you truly love others
Life without love is empty and love requires trust
That’s why you need to give it away
You may think that a person never deserves it
But then, always remember what Jesus did for us on the cross
He died so that He can save us

He trusted us to receive His grace in the first place
He loves us so much
He gave His life so that we will receive another chance
So if you need some strength to trust others
Just come to Jesus
And He will teach you how to do it

He will heal your heart
He will take away your bitterness
He will change the way you think
Jesus will teach you how to love others

Never hesitate to share His love
Because at the end of the day,
People will forget our works and the things that we said
But they will never forget
how we made them feel loved and treasured

So take courage
Be brave enough to trust once again
It’s a gift that you can’t only give to others
But it’s also for yourself
Because when you trust,
you are setting yourself free from bitterness

One Comment

  • Teresa Walker

    Dealing with this right now. I must ask Jesus for help. My whole life, I am 68 years old now, I have a history of continually trusting first, loving deeply, committing to the point of sacrifice, forgiving and trusting again, I have not been perfect, and know that fully well, I have been abused mentally, physically, even spiritually, in every marriage and many relationships, even that are not male/female, but friends or family. My compassion overcomes my wisdom. I have dealt with bitterness, am dealing with some now, but He is helping me get free of it. I don’t know anything else to do, but to allow myself to be totally physically destroyed, for the sake of loving to that point, and maybe that is the whole point of my journey.