Trust Is A Gift You Can Give Not Just For Others But Also For Yourself
Sometimes, we think that trust should be earned. But God never requires us to do something just for us to earn His trust. He even let His son Jesus died on the cross just to save us. He made the first move. He trusts us first. He gave us another chance to experience eternal life with Him despite all our mistakes. God believes that we will receive Jesus as our savior and choose to have faith in Him. That kind of trust is something that is not easy to give. But for God, He freely gave it away like it’s a precious gift. That’s why the moment we learn to receive His love, we will also learn to trust Him, and He will teach us how to share that trust with others. It’s a gift that you can also give to yourself.
When you choose to trust, you are setting yourself free from bitterness. You are releasing forgiveness not just to the people who caused you pain but also to yourself. Yes, it takes wisdom to know the people who deserve your trust. But at the end of the day, your life will be miserable if you never know how to trust the people around you. Just remember that they are not perfect. Learn to manage your expectations and give them some room to grow.
Trust will lead you to feel what true love is. Life without love is empty. It’s one of the best things that you should experience while you are still here on earth. And for you to experience true love, then you need to learn how to trust. First, you can offer that trust to God. Remember that He is perfect, and He will never fail you. So put your hope in Him. Be assured in His presence. And after that, you will slowly learn to give away that trust to the people who need it.
Receive the love of God first, and only then will you learn to trust others. If you wanted to know how to set yourself free from the pain you feel inside, then the answer can only be found in the presence of God. His love alone will heal your deepest wounds. And when you realize that God still believes in you despite all the mistakes you made, then that’s the time, you will also learn to believe and trust others. By the grace of God, you will learn to treat trust as a precious gift that you can offer not just for the people around you, but most importantly, it’s for yourself.