Trust That God Will Give You Enough Blessings
Sometimes, when we face challenges in life, it’s easy to worry about what tomorrow brings. When we experience unexpected situations, we fear the future and forget about the blessings that we have in the present.
Life may be difficult, but keep in mind that you have a God who is so in love with you. He cares for what you need. You may feel like your resources are getting smaller but focus on the blessings in front of you so that you will be reminded about the reason why you can still smile.
Trust that God will provide. He may not always give you what you exactly want, but he will surely give you what you need. He will sustain you in this season. You’ve been through a lot in your life. You went through so many problems and challenges, but here you are, still standing and breathing. That truth alone is already a testament to God’s faithfulness and love.
If He never leaves you before, then for sure, He will still guide you in the present and in the future days to come. The blessings around you are enough. You may not appreciate everything God did, but one day, you will be amazed by how He sustained you throughout these years. You will realize that all this time, God’s hands are always there to help you.
God’s blessings come in so many ways. Sometimes, we can’t physically see them. It’s hidden behind your children’s smile, or the peace you feel in your heart, or perhaps the birds singing around you. God’s presence is everywhere. You just have to ask Him to open the eyes of your heart so that you will see His hands.