
Trust the One who created the Process

God knows what He is doing. So do not worry about what might happen next. As long as you are walking according to the will of God, then everything is going to be okay, even if you still experience setbacks in life. Just trust the one who planned everything. He knows what you need and the important things that you must work on. So be patient and do not be in a hurry. God sees what’s ahead, and He is just preparing you. Do not focus on the hardships that you experienced. Instead, fix your eyes on the lessons that you learned why going through the process. All the sacrifices that you made will never be in vain. One day, it will all make sense.

Just keep walking. God is holding your hands. When you feel so tired, He will carry you in His arms. Just let Him move in your life and stop putting Him inside a box. He can perform miracles in your life as long as you learn to keep growing in His presence. Do not depend on your own understanding. Acknowledge the word of God and choose to follow His instructions even if there are moments when you can’t understand His ways. The pain and struggles you are going through are nothing compared to the blessings that He prepared for you. So do not give up. 

Trust in God’s goodness and love. He cares for you. The challenges that you are facing are not meant to destroy you. Instead, He wants you to learn new things so that you will know how to handle His great blessings. Do not be discouraged when you feel in pain and tired. Always remember the promises of God and never forget the blessings that He poured out in your life. He loves you so much, and He never wants to harm you. In fact, He is building you from the inside out so that you will not be easily shaken when you go through the most devastating moment in your life.

The process may not be that easy, but be faithful to God. Keep on serving Him.  You may not see it now, but you are slowly growing. Your perspective is changing, and He is teaching you how to see things according to His grace and love. So take this moment as an opportunity for you to strengthen your faith in Him. He knows your heart and the things that you can carry. He will never give you something that will just destroy you in the end. Everything that He allows to happen in your life has a purpose. Wait and see. He will reveal to you the great things that He is doing behind the scene. 

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