
Trusting God is an Everyday Choice

Maybe you think that your trust will then be strengthened the moment you accept God in your life. But that is not the case. It’s an everyday choice that you need to make. You will face unexpected moments each day, and it will challenge your trust in the Lord. That’s why you need to choose Him over the fears that you feel. You need to do it every single day of your life. Trusting God takes time and process. It will never happen instantly. So be patient with yourself, especially when you notice that your faith in Him is shrinking. Just know that you are still in the process of growing. The most important thing that you can do is always choose to stay with God no matter how many circumstances you will face in life.

You will never know the uncertainties that you will encounter every single day. The situation around you may change so quickly, and sometimes, you find it hard to adapt. But just choose to trust God even when you are struggling. Do not focus on the hardships that you encounter but learn to set your eyes on the goodness of His in your life. When you think of His great power, you will slowly learn to treat your problems as too small in His eyes. Know that He will always take good care of you, and His love for you will never change. This is the reason why you should trust in Him.

It’s very important to communicate with God every day. You can’t build trust with someone you don’t know. And the best way for you to know Him is to read His word and talk to Him. He will help your faith grow as long as you allow Him to reign in your life. Nourish your relationship with Him and make Him your priority. Put His kingdom first, and everything else will follow, including your faith. Sometimes, He will allow you to go through challenges because it’s one of the best ways to build your trust. When that day happens, just continue praying and talking to Him, and your trust will also grow.

Do it consistently, and you will get used to it. You will find yourself doing things that you never did before. You will experience breakthroughs in your life, and that’s when you realize that trusting God is one of the best decisions you ever made. Your trust in Him will give you the access to experience more of His miracles and love. It will take you to places you’ve never been before.


  • Aiza U. Hocate

    Thank you for this encouraging words it helps me alot knowing God, im just asking if you can give this softcopy of this so i can keep it. Thank u and God bless in your ministry.

  • Aiza U. Hocate

    Thank you for this encouraging words it helps me alot knowing God, im just asking if you can give me this softcopy of this so i can keep it. If you are willing you can send me its copy in my email, Thank u and God bless in your ministry.