Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts
That’s why, sometimes an honest answer
Can’t comfort you
But it can make you grow
And become a better person
It’s hard to accept the things
That are too difficult to face
Especially the roots of your pain
But you need to know the truth
So that you will experience freedom
You need to face it even if it’s painful
Because that’s where healing starts
It’s when you accept the things
That you can’t fully comprehend
So if you receive a real
And painful answer from someone you love
Then come to God
And He will be the one who will comfort you
He will give you the love that you need
And He will teach you how to handle
The truth that you receive
It’s better to know the whole truth
Than live a life that is full of lies
It’s better to experience the pain
Than believe in something
That slowly destroy your soul
If you can’t handle the words
That other people are saying
Then surrender it all to God
And He will open your eyes
So that you will see the things
That you need to work on
And the words that you should ignore
The feedback you receive from others
Can make you grow
You just need to learn
How to filter the good things from the bad ones
And it takes a humble heart to do it
Yes, it hurts
But God will assure you
That His love will always be there
He will change your heart if you will allow Him
He will change the way you see things
So that you will stay grateful
Despite all the negative things that happened
He will give you a heart
That’s willing to be corrected
Just let Him mold you
And He will teach you
How to handle the painful truths in your life

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LaCausta Dooley
Love pursued