
Turn Your Complaints Into Worship

Stop complaining
The Israelites did that before
They complained about everything
They feel so ungrateful to God
That’s why they go through a very long journey
to the promised land

Some of them even failed to experience
the promises of God
Simply because they choose to look at the things
that they don’t have
Instead of focusing on the negative things
Why not choose to praise God
And focus on the blessings

So stop complaining about your situation
Instead, let’s remember
what Jesus did on the cross
Jesus was bleeding and in pain,
but He never complained
Instead, He chose to pray to God
And glorify His name

Maybe you are going through a tough situation
You may feel so burdened inside
But do not focus on your situation
Instead, look at God
And remember His great power in your life

Open your eyes for His blessings
Be grateful for what you have
God will never abandon you
So do not compare your life to others
Remember that your journey is unique and special

God will sustain you with His grace
Learn to appreciate all the things that God did
You are surrounded by a lot of miracles in life
But you fail to notice it
Because you are so consumed with negative emotions

God has been so good to us
So turn your complaints into worship
Let’s praise God even if we go through hardships in life
Let’s choose to lift our hands in worship even if we feel scared
God will perform miracles in our lives
So let’s choose to thank Him for everything

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