Turn Your Worries Into A Powerful Hymn Of Praise
Choose to praise the name of God even in moments when you can’t understand what’s happening. You may have a lot of worries in life. You fear about your future, and you are thinking about so many things. But focus on the power of God. Worship Him even in the midst of brokenness. Lift His name even if you are struggling. The moment you choose to sing praises to His name, you are just reminding yourself that nothing is too impossible for our God. And He will rescue you no matter what happens. Glorifying God in the middle of the storm is not easy, but it’s the best thing to do. The more you remind yourself about His great love, the more you allow God to take over in your life.
We worship God because we need it. You may think that we are doing it so that God will move in our midst, but it’s for our own good. Worshipping Him simply empowers us to do the things that we never did before. It’s like we are commanding our soul to keep on rising despite the problems we face. God wants to move, and worshipping Him simply means that we are giving up the things that we can no longer carry. It’s a powerful act of surrender. It’s like a message to God, telling Him that He can now take over. You simply let go of your worries, and you acknowledge the truth that God is the only one who can save you from your situation.
Remind yourself that God can do all things. Instead of focusing on the situations that you can’t control, why not allow God to move and have His way? You will gain nothing if you will just keep on worrying. You can never think properly because your mind is occupied with negative things. So let God teach you how to deal with your problems. Receive His peace and release the things that will not bring glory to His name. Let His love take away all the fears you feel inside.
Cry out to God, and He will be listening. Imagine that every time you worship Him, it’s like you are telling your problems that your God is bigger. Never forget His great power in your life and let His love defeat the works of the enemy. You will never feel empty in His arms. You will face challenges, but He will always be there to lift you up. All you have to do is remind yourself that He is God and that no one else can satisfy your heart.

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Nathaniel Myles
AMEN! Praise God!