Value your Peace and Freedom more than your Earthly Wealth
If you think that you no longer experience peace and freedom along the process of pursuing earthly wealth, then it’s time for you to pause for a while and reflect on what matters most in your life. Because at the end of the day, what you acquire in this world is nothing if you can’t even do the things that you love. You can’t find peace because you are too scared to lose the things you’ve been working hard for. You feel so trapped with your own goals and plans. And the most heartbreaking part is that you already achieved what you want, but your heart is still looking for a place where you can find rest and receive peace. You just realize that what you’ve been trying to accomplish never made you feel satisfied from within. You are looking for something beyond what this world can give, and that’s the freedom to do the things you love.
Seek peace and freedom first, and you will find everything to be worth fighting for. Ask God to give you the kind of peace that will lead you to follow His will. It doesn’t mean that you will no longer experience hardships. The uncertainties and challenges in life will still be there, but you will always find rest because His peace will give you the assurance that everything will be okay. If you align your plans to God, then you will experience the kind of freedom that will push you to go out of your comfort zone and explore new things. You may encounter trials, but it’s going to be worth all the effort because you receive the peace and freedom that only God can give.
The earthly wealth will just follow. Put God first, and blessings will overflow in your life. Treasure your peace because it’s more expensive than the things that you will acquire here on earth. Do not let temporary obstacles hinder you from experiencing the freedom that God wants you to cherish. Know that there are things in life that can never be bought with money, and that’s the kind of peace that surpasses all understanding.
Your life here on earth is too short to waste for things that you will regret in the end. The treasures that you will gain in this world will never last. So while you still have time left, learn to spend the rest of your days in the presence of God, and you will be able to live this life to the fullest. His love will take away your fears, and He will give you the freedom to fulfill the purpose that He planted in your heart. He will teach you how to use your earthly wealth to help those people who are in need. And with that, you will receive wonderful blessings that only God can give, and that’s His peace and the freedom to fulfill His plans.