
Wait until you Learn how to fully Trust God even in the Midst of Challenges

Trust takes time to be built. Wait until you will have the courage to fully put your confidence in God. Go through the process and be patient. There are things that you need to slowly learn along the way. So when you fail, just give yourself the chance to begin again. Your growth may not always be evident, but trust that deep inside, God is shifting the way you see life. Just take your time, and don’t be in a hurry. Please choose to accept yourself, especially when you find it hard to trust God in the midst of difficulties. If you fail, then try again. Don’t focus on your weaknesses. Know that your Heavenly Father is patient enough to teach you what to do.

Slowly surrender the things that you don’t like about yourself. Do not take them as a hindrance to your spiritual growth. If you find it hard to move forward because of the moments you disappoint yourself, then keep in mind that you are still growing. You may think you are not perfect, but you can still start and try new things. If you fall, choose to get up and trust God again. If you unknowingly made bad decisions, then just allow yourself to reflect on your situation and apply the lessons that you learned. Give up your negative character to God, and He will make you grow in His presence.

Go through the process. Please do not pressure yourself. There are things in life that take time. If you blame yourself because of the difficulties that you experienced, then share what you feel to God and listen to His voice. He will comfort you in ways you can never imagine. Just prepare yourself to do the things that you never did before. Take a risk and obey His words. Only then will you encounter situations that will build your trust in Him. You will never grow if you will just stay in your comfort zone. If you feel so stagnant, pray for perfect opportunities where you can learn more about His love. Sometimes, God will allow you to go through the hard roads, but just remember that everything that He allowed has a purpose. Behind the challenges are wonderful treasures that you can keep.

One day, you will learn to trust Him despite the circumstances that you are in. When your character is already rooted in His love, the storms in your life can no longer shake and destroy you. Instead, they will lead you to trust God even more. Wait until you are ready to believe in His promises. Don’t give up and keep trying. Declare His words and claim the bright future that He prepared.