We All Have Weaknesses
I can’t promise to be always strong
But I know that God will give me enough strength
To face every battle
I also have some weaknesses
I have some fears
And just like you,
I also feel disappointed in myself sometimes
But I know life shouldn’t stop there
I need to move on
I must get up and face another day in my life
The earth is revolving and so is our lives
Sometimes we are happy
Sometimes we are sad
But even if we don’t know what will happen next
We know that God has better plans for us
And it always the best
So whatever it is that’s going on in your mind right now
Allow God to interfere
Listen to His words
And let Him guide you to the path He destined you to take
We may not understand His ways sometimes,
But always hope for the best
Learn to trust in His love for you
You are special
You are unique
You have a great purpose
And sometimes it’s different from others
That’s why set your eyes on Him
For God will cheer you up!
He will support you all along the way
He will provide enough blessings
Your weaknesses will never be a disadvantage on your end
Because God will use it to perform miracles and wonders
Your weakness will be a wonderful gift for someone else
God’s ways are higher than ours
He can do things we never expect
But still, you need to remember that
It’s always for our own Good