We All Need Love from A Father
Having a complete family is a great blessing from God. But not all of us are given the chance to experience that kind of life. Many people came from a broken family, and it’s never an easy thing for them. Some of them never know what it feels like to have a Father, and so they think that they can just live without their Father’s love. But the truth is, we all need love from a Father. We need to know what it feels like to be protected and secured in their arms.
Maybe you think like there’s nothing you can do about it because you can’t force your Father to come back. But then you don’t have to blame yourself. You may not understand the reason why you need to go through those painful experiences, but know that you are always valued and treasured with or without the love of your earthly Father. Just remember that they are only human, and they also commit mistakes. The best thing that you can do is learn to forgive and set yourself free.
Your earthly Father may not provide you the kind of love that you need, but just remember that God is your heavenly Father. He is always there with you, and He will never stop loving you. Give God the chance to become your Father, and He will fill the emptiness in your heart with His great love. In your weakness, He will be your strength. God will guide you to the right path, and He will also discipline you with love. You will never feel alone and empty in His arms.
You are a child of God.
Your Heavenly Father will never abandon you because you are His beloved.
You are so valuable in His eyes.
You just have to trust and believe in His great plans for your life. You don’t have to live this life with missing pieces inside your heart. God alone will complete and make you whole. He is the best Father that you could ever have. You may think that He is a strict Father, but believe it or not, the moment you will have a deep relationship with Him, you will realize that He is such a sweet and thoughtful Father. You are destined to experience His great love. Your earthly Father may fail you, but God will never break your heart.

Anton Magallanes
I grew up without a father, and honestly it is very hard. It is hard to be a child abandoned by a father. I am affected by that kind of pain and until now I am feeling lost because of emptiness in my heart. I am now almost 30 years old, but still never got a chance to experience that love. I am psychologically unstable because of that. I pray that my Heavenly Father can do something about it and make me experience His great plans in my life. My Earthly Father failed me, but I pray that My Heavenly Father will save me and help me.
Thank You so much for this. I am inspired and greatful. Praise the Lord. God Bless You Always. God is good.