We are all students in this thing called “Life”
Life is not just a “one-time big-time” course that we only need to go through for a specific span of time. As long as you are still breathing, you still have so many things to learn. This world is so vast that you can’t easily comprehend everything in just one setting. Sometimes you need to retake special subjects. You will have so many tests and surprise exams. You are like a student who is learning something new every single day. It’s going to be a long journey. But as long as you embrace your part as a student, you will always learn the lessons that the Teacher wants you to comprehend. For this reason, please don’t be a passive learner. Choose to be sensitive to your Teacher’s voice – the Holy Spirit. Humble yourself and acknowledge the truth that you don’t know everything.
Be patient when you can’t easily figure out the answers. You are just a student. You really don’t know the things that are going on behind the scenes. Allow yourself to commit mistakes and choose to make little changes along the way. You don’t have to instantly transform your life as if it only takes an overnight process. Truth is, you will still go through a long path. So don’t be in a hurry. Respect the pace that the Teacher wants you to follow. Trust Him because He knows what He is doing. Don’t focus on your mistakes. Instead, take note of His lessons because when the perfect time comes, you can apply them.
Allow the Teacher to guide you. Remember the principles that He taught you. Study His word because that’s where you will find so many reminders. It’s where He can speak and communicate with your soul. You will find yourself so helpless if you won’t acknowledge His voice. So don’t just rely on your own understanding. Wait for His instructions. He knows when you should go, pause or even stop. Learn from Him. His wisdom will protect you from deeper pain. He will change your mindset and give you the reasons to keep going. He is a merciful teacher. He doesn’t want you to end this life with so many regrets. He wants to lead you to a brighter place.
So be a lifelong learner. Study the things that life throws at you. Instead of complaining, choose to treat the problems that you face as something that will mold your heart and soul. Don’t stay where you are. Keep growing and enjoy the presence of your Teacher. You are so blessed because you are not alone. Your Teacher is always there – giving you the instructions that you need. You just need to learn how to quiet your own voice and choose to listen to Him. Be His faithful student and you will end this life in victory through His grace.