We Can Fix Things But Only God Can Fix People
There were situations in life when we wanted to be in control. We think that if we don’t move, everything will fall apart, and our lives will be a total mess. We tried our best to change our surroundings, and we are tempted to change other people. But we forget that we can never fix them. Yes, you already make changes in your life, but you can never do it to other people. This is the reason why we need to learn how to surrender to God. There are things that we can’t control. Only God has the power to fix other people. He alone can transform somebody’s heart. So instead of forcing them to change, why don’t you try to pray for them and you will see the amazing things God will do in their lives.
Maybe you love those people too much. That’s why you don’t want them to end up broken. You are trying to take charge of their lives, and you wanted them to change for the better. Yes, you cared for them. But you need to remember that God also loves them. And as much as you wanted them to experience a bright future, God also wants to do the same thing. Even greater than what you have in mind. So learn to surrender. You can’t do this on your own. You need the help of God. Just keep on praying and do not stop until you see some changes in that person’s life.
Always remember that we all have the power to make our own decisions. God gave us the freedom to choose. By this, you can never force someone to do the things that you wanted them to do. Even if your intention is good, you still need to acknowledge that you can’t change somebody’s mind and heart. You may want to help them, but they still need to make the decision at the end of the day. They can either receive your help or ignore it. The final decision is up to them.
The best thing that you can do is to keep on loving those people. Even though you can’t see the outside changes, you still need to keep on doing good things for them. Let them realize that there is still hope in life. Be patient with them and learn to accept their imperfections. Let them know what the love of God feels like. Show them what the grace of God is all about. Do something without expecting anything in return. Serve them as if you are serving God. Remember that seeing someone being transformed in the presence of God is one of the most powerful miracles you could ever witness in your lifetime.

One Comment
Whenever I felt I will go back to my old dirty life but when I read your post it made me feel alive again. I prayed and I can’t wait to see all the blessing that God will provide for me. God bless you!