We Can’t Choose Our Family
You can’t decide who your parents will be
God destined you to be with them
That’s why if ever you receive a lot of pain
from one of your loved ones
Always remember that despite everything
God still wants you to love them
Because at the end of the day
They will always be part of your life
They will always be your family
I know it’s very difficult
Because the people who would supposedly
love and comfort you
End up hurting you
The pain may be so deep right now
And maybe you experience
a lot of painful memories with them
But always remember that we are not perfect
And we all have the tendency to hurt others
That’s why we need to be patient with each other
It’s okay to feel disappointed
You are human
And your emotions are part of your being
Just learn to acknowledge it
But then after that,
don’t allow the pain to consume you
You need to learn how to forgive
Sometimes, it really takes time
But still, you need to go through the process and face it
God is with you along the journey
He will teach you how to forgive
And from now on,
You need to decide for yourself
that no matter what happens
You will always choose to stay with them
Because a family is a family
God destined you to be together
I know it’s a tough-love after all
But as long as you still feel the pain
It simply means that
You really love them