We Choose To Keep The Pain Inside Because We Think That Nobody Might Understand Us
This is for those who are going through some painful season in their lives, and they can’t seem to express it because they think that nobody might understand them. This is for those who are dealing with a lot of things within, and the people around them never really know what they truly feel. If you are having the same kind of experience right now, then this is for you.
I really don’t know where to start, but I hope that you will realize that you are not alone in this battle. You may not have the courage to share what you truly feel inside to others, but you will make it. Whatever that’s pushing you down right now, always believe with all your heart that you will rise up again one day. I may not know what you truly feel inside, but always remind yourself that this will pass. You will never be the same person after this.
We all experience some point in our lives when we just wanted to be alone. We tried to face our own problems independently, and we don’t want to ask for some help. Maybe we are just scared to open up our lives to others because they might hurt us. When the pain is so deep, trust is just so difficult to give. We would rather face our problems alone than relying more on the people around us. If that’s how you wanted to deal with your battles inside, then you have the freedom to do it. But I hope that you will give yourself the chance to express what you genuinely feel along the process.
You deserve to be heard. If you wanted to pour it out, then you can cry and shout. If you wanted to release the pain inside, then you can always talk to God. He will always listen to you. Sometimes, this world can’t understand us, but God knows what we truly feel inside. He is with you all along the journey, and He saw what happened. He knows how painful it is for you. And even if you can’t see Him, God wanted to comfort you. You just have to open your heart for Him.
God will listen to you without any judgment, and He will never condemn you. He will let you feel that you are loved and treasured. Only Him can give you the comfort that you truly need. Stop carrying the burdens all alone. God is just waiting for you to surrender it. Give Him the chance to love you, and He will heal the pain within.