His Word

We Just Need To Consistently Follow His Will Even If Sometimes, It Hurts

All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful toward those who keep the demands of his covenant.

Psalms 25:10, NIV

Have you ever tried following God and eventually experienced pain along the journey? Have you ever felt so disappointed because of the things that He allowed you to go through? There are just days when we feel like God is not present. And we also have this mindset that when He gives us His covenant, then the journey will be perfect. But in reality, there are always challenges and difficulties.

That’s why we need to constantly remind ourselves about what David said, “All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful toward those who keep the demands of his covenant.” This means that God will never leave us alone. We just need to keep on doing what He instructed us to do. We just need to consistently follow His will even if sometimes, it hurts. And though it requires dying and moments of surrender, let’s keep in mind that God is faithful. He will help us through. He will send the right resources that we need.

If by chance, you are in the middle of pursuing God’s will and covenant, and you feel so exhausted. Then, know that God’s miracles will always be there. He will continue to hold your hands. There may be days when you can’t feel His presence, but keep walking and surrender all your pain. People may not always understand the things that you do for God, but know that He is watching over you. He knows your heart. He will embrace you every time you feel alone and in pain. His hands will move behind the scenes.

God is preparing a beautiful blessing. And when you overcome this season, you will realize the goodness of God in your life. When you look back and reminisce about the things that He did, you will end up thanking Him for His mysterious ways. You may fail to understand them, but there are reasons why God allowed you to go through certain things. He has a purpose. So don’t be afraid. Trust that His ways are loving and faithful.

You will also realize the value of the covenant that God gave you when you patiently go through the process. Just wait. Stay rooted in His love and set your eyes on Him. Keep in mind that God is up to something great. Something that your mind can’t easily comprehend.

Prayer: Father, your love is so great and amazing. Your grace is unfailing. You are perfect and powerful. You hold things together, yet I tend to easily forget this truth. Please give me the faith to believe in your love. So that when I go through difficulties in life, I will be reminded of your covenant. Help me appreciate your ways, especially when I am broken and in pain. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, amen.