We May Not Understand God’s Ways, But He Completely Understands Us
We know that we are always safe in the arms of God because even though we can never understand His ways, still He knows our hearts and everything about us. So never doubt in His love. Your situation right now only allows you to increase your faith. Follow God, even if you have no idea about His plans. Just remind yourself that everything that He is doing is for your own good. He knows the best solutions to your problems. He will lead you to the right path, only if you are willing to accept His instructions. Pray for a heart that is humble enough to obey His words. Trust that God cares for you. He will always provide you with enough blessings.
God understands us. That’s why we need to trust Him. He knows the things that are going on inside our hearts. And He wants us to be prepared for His great blessings. That’s why, most of the time, He is working on your foundation. He takes away all the impurities in your heart and replaces it with His love. He will deal with the things that will build up your character so that when He will give you what you’ve been praying for, you will know how to handle and treasure His blessings. God knows your potential and the things that you can carry. The more you trust in His ways, the more you will learn many things about yourself. God will let you experience certain situations that will develop your skills and abilities. And only then will you realize that everything that God is doing is for your sake.
He knows what’s ahead. And sometimes, He will not reveal the reason why He needs to do something simply because we can’t understand everything. All we need to do is to simply trust Him even if we don’t know what tomorrow brings. God sees the danger ahead. He wanted to protect all of us from greater pain. So never doubt His ways, because behind all the hardships you experience are incredible blessings that you can never imagine.
You will be safe along the journey. Your future is brighter than you think. Just learn to embrace the uncertainties of this life and give God the chance to perform miracles. He will always protect you. Nothing can ever destroy you as long as you are with Him.

Thank you. Your motivation post is inspiring me to be successful.
Thank you for the motivation GodBless you
Lenneth Lorica
Im so blessed with the Lord’s message. 😭❤ thank you.
Lolit Miano
Amen 🙏❤🙏 thank you I’m so bless ⚘🙏