Self Development

We Need To Learn How To Accept Each Other’s Weaknesses

Remember that we are not perfect. Each of us has our own weaknesses, which is why we have no right to judge others. We need to learn how to accept the truth that we all have the tendency to commit mistakes. If you wanted to love the people around you, then acknowledge their weaknesses and learn to accept them for who they are. Your situation will only worsen when you force others to do what they can’t do. You will fail to keep your relationship with them, and those people will find it hard to accept themselves. Try to understand the person so that you will know how to serve him/her for the glory of God. After all, we are simply called to love each other.

You can’t accept others if you can’t also accept yourself. Maybe you find it hard to deal with other people’s weaknesses because you never really acknowledge your own mistakes. You tend to deny your shortcomings, and you never give yourself the chance to grow. You can’t do all things. That’s why you always need the presence of God to renew your mind. Allow Him to love you so that you will learn to love yourself and others. He accepts you for who you are. Just be honest with Him, and don’t hesitate to ask for some help.

If you happen to witness people’s weaknesses, then just stay with them and be patient. Please don’t leave them when times get tough. Be the first to remind them about their strength and encourage them to focus on the things they can do.   Sometimes, those people who are vulnerable enough to show their weaknesses are the ones who can also accept others. They are already mature on the inside, and they know that they can’t do everything independently. They acknowledge that they are weak, but they learned to deal with it by simply accepting the things they can’t change.

God wants us to help each other. Your strength can be somebody’s weaknesses. And when they can’t figure out what they need to do, just be there with them and let your strengths help them overcome the fears they feel inside. There is this beauty behind our weaknesses; it teaches us how to be humble. It gives us the heart to listen and receive help from others.

One Comment

  • Orlando denaga

    Enlightening as we grow closer in our relationship to God’s. Continue to be a blessing to others that you meet. Be the salt and light.