
We Only Feel Pain From The People We Deeply Love And Trust

You may ask yourself why you need to go through that pain, but the truth is, it will never exist if you never choose to love. You only experience brokenness from the people you deeply love and trust.  Pain is part of life, and it is part of loving someone as well. People are not perfect, and whether you like it or not, you will get hurt because of their brokenness. This is the reason why loving other people is not easy. It takes courage and a lot of patience. You need to receive unfailing love first so that you will not find it hard to accept the imperfections of others. And you can only find that love in the arms of God. Seek the limitless love of God, and you will never run dry, especially in loving others.

It may be painful to love, but life is so empty without it. We are created to love God and other people. It’s part of our identity as His child. God is love, and that means everything about Him revolves around serving others. That’s why, if you feel so tired of understanding those people who caused you pain, then know that God is always there to comfort you. Just come to your Heavenly Father, and He will give you strength. You will never feel so empty in His arms. He will fill your heart with enough love so that you will be able to share it with others. Just don’t rely on your own strength. Never keep everything on your own. God is just waiting for you to surrender every burden that you are carrying.

Let God be the source of your love. Let Him teach you how to be faithful. When you encounter Him, you will realize that He is all you need. He will heal your heart so that you will have the courage to love once again. Choose to depend on Him, and you will always receive enough grace. The pain you feel inside is nothing compared to His amazing love. It’s something that you can never comprehend. You will feel in awe the moment you discover that His love is not dependent on your actions. He loved you first, even before you are born here on earth.

May your relationship with God lead you to never give up on loving others.  Yes, it’s so painful. But when you let God perform miracles in your life, you will realize that in Him, you can do all things. Love always wins. You may think that you are defeated because of the brokenness you feel inside, but at the end of the day, people who choose to love are truly the warriors of God.


  • Myrna Fleming

    Thanks so much for the encouraging words that you share. It is truly uplifting. It’s greatly helped me so much especially in those hurting and depressing moments in my life. May God our Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you for this wonderful Ministry. God Lord Jesus Christ ALONE be praised.

  • Estela

    Yes indeed! We need to win over this battle of brokenness. Let us just love unconditionally. If we want something in return to the love we offer, it means only dissappointment. Let us love others like the love God has given us.