
Welcome every Season in your Life with a Grateful Heart

You may not know what will happen next, but keep in mind that God always leads you to a season for a purpose. He determines the things that you need to experience for you to realize the important lessons that you must apply. Some situations may be part of your own will, but God will still use them so that you will learn to focus on the important things. For this reason, choose to thank Him even when you can’t understand what’s going on in your life. Remind yourself who God is. He is good, and He wants the best for you. He wants you to grow and prosper. If you only knew the things that God sees in your life, you would realize that you are so valuable in the eyes of your Heavenly Father.

When God takes you to a different season, the first thing that you can do is focus on the positive that are happening around you. Set your eyes on the blessings that He provided. Recall His faithfulness in the previous season that you overcame. Remind yourself that it’s because of His grace that you victoriously finish the journey that He allowed you to take. As you welcome the new season, expect that God will move in ways you can never imagine. There may be instances when you welcome another journey with tears, but let your hope be anchored in the promises of God. Remind yourself that He is true and faithful. Imperfect humans commit mistakes, but not God. His ways are always perfect.

Trust and believe in His goodness even if you can’t understand what’s going on. Sometimes, you don’t have to find all the answers before you learn to put your trust in Him. All you have to do is keep your faith. God will move, and He will perform miracles in your life. So take the new path with so much courage and hope. Know that God will always be there to sustain and bless you with more than enough. His love will never run dry. It means that in moments when you are consumed with fears and worries, His love will always be there to comfort you. He will bless you in this new season.

Thank God for giving you so much grace. Recall those moments when He saved and gave you strength. Remember His faithfulness because it will serve as a driving force for you to overcome your fears. Be grateful to God for giving you a chance to experience that season. It may not be that comfortable, but the moment you realize what God prepared behind the scene, you will surely feel in awe of His glory. Lastly, surrender all your worries in His presence. Lift your hands and let God do His thing. Thank Him in advance because, for sure, He prepared extraordinary blessings.  

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