Welcome the Suffering
As they were shouting and throwing off their cloaks and flinging dust into the air, the commander ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks. He directed that he be flogged and interrogated in order to find out why the people were shouting at him like this.
Acts 22: 23-24, NIV
This part of the scripture marked the start of Paul’s ministry while in chains. After this moment, he will defend himself to different authorities and will spend the rest of his time as a prisoner. This must’ve been the reason why the other disciples tried to stop him from going to Jerusalem. They were weeping for him. But then Paul did what he was called to do even if it means going through suffering.
When he arrived in Jerusalem, the Jews persecuted him. In fact, he was subjected to scourging. It was a painful moment for him. But even though he was in chains, that didn’t stop him from worshipping God and doing His will.
Paul knew what was waiting for him in Jerusalem. He accepted the fact that things won’t be easy. But instead of focusing on the bad things, he chose to fix his eyes on his calling. He remained faithful to God even in unfavorable and challenging moments.
This is an important reminder for all of us. Sometimes, we will go through suffering while following Jesus. There will be days when we can’t understand His ways. There will be moments of pain, but just like Paul, let’s choose to stay with Him.
He welcomed the suffering and fully embraced the journey that God asked him to go through. He never escaped or complained. Instead, he chose to be with Jesus even in times of sorrow and difficulties. May we also do the same thing.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me to stay faithful to you. Please give me a courageous heart like Paul, who’s willing to go through the suffering and do your will. I pray for a humble heart to obey you even in times of difficulties. Teach me how to honor you in moments of pain. Let your grace and love consume my soul so that I may learn to follow you no matter what it takes. This I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.