What A Person Desires Is Unfailing Love
What a person desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar.
Proverbs 19: 22, NIV
The book of proverbs reminds us that our hearts desire for the kind of love that never fails. And sad to say, we can’t receive this from mere humans. We are living in a broken world that is dominated by sin and imperfections. That’s why, whether we like it or not, we will eventually experience pain not just from strangers but from people who are close to our hearts.
This is the reason why there’s a space in our hearts that only the unfailing love of God can satisfy. He alone can quench our thirst inside. The people around us may temporarily make us feel loved and accepted, but at the end of the day, we will still feel empty without God. So instead of looking for answers from imperfect humans, choose to call upon the name of the Lord and you will be filled.
He may not always give you the answers that you need, but He will satisfy the deepest desire of your heart. And it’s knowing and having a relationship with Him. We are all created to desire for His love. The kind of love that never fails. The kind of love that heals wounds and cast away fears. It’s His love that can make us whole again.
God’s love endures forever. Unlike human love, His love will remain no matter what happens. The love we receive from others will change and falter, but not His love. He will stay despite our imperfections and inconsistencies. He is faithful even when we forget His blessings. Jesus loved us even through suffering.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for reminding me about your unfailing love. Please teach me how to open my heart so that I may receive more of you in my life. Guide me, Lord, that I may always choose to trust in your goodness and faithfulness. Help me, that I may learn to love and serve you above all else. This I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.