What Happens When We Are Consumed by Selfish Ambition
For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
James 3: 16, NIV
This passage calls us to regularly examine our hearts. When we become driven by selfish ambition or envy, disorder and confusion follow. Often, this arises when we compare our blessings to those of others.
Envy takes root when we desire what others have, leading us to compromise our values in the pursuit of satisfaction. We become fixated on what we lack, mistakenly believing that achieving our selfish desires will bring happiness and fulfillment. Yet, no gain rooted in selfishness can ever fill the emptiness within.
Let us be mindful not to allow selfish ambition to destroy the life God intended for us. Rather than focusing on our own desires, we should remember that these pursuits only lead to disorder and wrongdoing. Instead of dwelling on what we don’t have, let’s shift our focus to the blessings God has already bestowed upon us. It is in appreciating these seemingly small but significant gifts that we find true contentment.
Father God, thank You for reminding me to purify my heart. Teach me to be grateful for the blessings I’ve received, rather than fixating on what I lack. Help me, Lord, to rejoice in the victories of others and humbly accept the gifts You’ve given me. Continue to cleanse my soul and open my heart to Your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.