What If God Let You Experience Hardships To Prepare You For Greater Blessings?
We go through different life circumstances not because God wants to destroy us, but He just wants us to learn new lessons in life. There are things in life that we can’t learn by simply listening. We need to experience it so that we will be able to truly comprehend what it truly means. This is the reason why we sometimes go through hardships in life. Behind every challenge are great blessings that God wants us to receive. And for us to properly steward His blessings, we need to be mature enough to handle it. That’s why we go through pruning and sometimes brokenness along the process because, in those seasons of pain, God is changing something important deep within.
God wants to renew your character because how you handle the blessing depends on how you see and value things. God wants you to grow so that you will not be overwhelmed when you receive the great things He prepared for you. He wants to change your perspective in life, and He is teaching you how to serve others. The blessings that you will receive are meant to be shares. And for you to do it, God needs to teach you something very important first. You may not appreciate it right now because you never see the bigger picture, but when the perfect time comes, God will reveal to you His desires, and you will understand while you need to go through this kind of season. So while you can’t still figure things out, just learn to trust and keep on walking in His presence.
Endure and choose to obey. We can never really comprehend the ways of God, so instead of asking a lot of questions, just put your hope in Him, and believe with all your heart that you are in the right hands. Nourish your relationship with God and familiarize His voice because the more you connect to Him, the more you will be guided. He will direct you to the right path, and all you have to do is follow the light.
The experiences you will encounter with God is more than enough. Yes, He is preparing great blessings for you, but you will have many unforgettable memories with God along the way. Just allow Him to walk with you and hold your hands so that when you feel so tired and lonely, His presence will always be there to remind you to keep on going.

Princesfel Pelayo
I am so blessed and inspired by all of your words. Godbless
Ninette C.Manzano
The message is always inspiring and it lifted up my spirit.Encourage you to go on with life trusting wholeheartedly on God Almighty.God bless,thank you.
I’m going through alot,a lot, a job and looking,during these uncertain times,especially through the Holidays!I have bills and a Mortgage to pay,luckily with our savings, we manage for now,but when it all runs out,then may God grant me a job,before this year.Im truly praying and reading my Bible and I saw tge confirmation, through you by reading your passage and it inspired me to be more stronger and focus for tge changes that are about to come!
Thank you,for this and God using you in your heart!!
God Bless
Thank you for this encouragement. This is exactly I have been experiencing and I’m very much encouraged to just be still and follow where God leads me. God bless your ministry.
Gaius Muruket
Dear Pursued team,
I am so blessed by these words of deep encouragement. I thank and give glory to God for using you has a medium to deliver His words to me.
Thankyou very much and may God richly bless your work.
Merry Christmas,