
What If God’s purpose is different from your Desires?

We all have plans in our lives. We wanted to experience the things that we thought we wanted, but only God knows what we truly need at the end of the day. What if His purpose is very different from your desires in life? Will you still walk and abide by His instructions? Will you still follow Him even if you don’t understand what’s happening? Most of the time, God’s ways are mysterious. There are really moments when you can’t fully comprehend what He is doing in your life. But all you need to do is to trust in His great love for you. His purpose is for your own good. He created you. That’s why He knows the things that you need. You may think that your desires can make you happy, but trust that God will give you the kind of joy that you can never contain.

Never rely on your own understanding. When you are too dependent on what you learned, you will fail to value some of the important lessons that God wants you to realize. Depend on the will of God and abide in His ways. His plans for you are greater than what your mind can comprehend. You can only receive His great blessings when you choose to humble yourself in the Lord and acknowledge the truth that you don’t know everything. You need His wisdom and understanding so that you will be able to see a better perspective in life.

Be patient when God changes your schedule. It simply means that He has something better in mind. Don’t misinterpret the delays in your life as His rejections. Sometimes, it’s God’s way of telling you that He has a different purpose in your life. You can’t appreciate His ways if you keep on comparing your life to others. Remember that you have a unique and special path. And it means that you shouldn’t focus on what other people already achieved. Instead, you need to look at the small victories you experienced and learn to celebrate them. One day, everything will make sense.

Consult God first so that you will be guided. Maybe you feel so frustrated because you didn’t ask God in the first place. You fail to include Him in your plans, and you choose to follow your own will, thinking that you already know yourself. But the truth is, God sees what’s ahead. He knows what you need. So ask Him first through His word. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will bless your plans. Put Him at the center, and He will lead you to the right path.