What If The Good Things That You Did Will Turn Into Treasures In Heaven?
“Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
Matthew19:21, NIV
Jesus gave this instruction to a rich man who wanted to receive eternal life. He simply taught him to gather treasures not here on earth but in heaven. After this, Jesus invited him to come and follow him. For this rich man, his wealth somehow gave him the temporary security that he wanted. But despite the earthly possessions that he gained, his heart is still longing for something that this world can never give. He is still looking for something eternal, something that will last forever.
That’s why Jesus told him to sell his possessions and give them to the poor. Imagine if you are that rich man and you are trying your best to live a comfortable and luxurious life, and here comes Jesus asking you to offer everything that you sacrificed to those who are in need. What would be your response? This rich man was sad when he heard this instruction. How about you? What would be your reaction?
Your response will reflect on your definition of real treasures. If you believe that your treasures in life are those you bought or acquired, then this command will shatter you into pieces. But if you believe that your treasures are found in heaven, then you will gladly share the blessings that God gave you because you know what matters most in the end.
What kind of treasure are you gathering right now? Is it something temporary, or is it eternal?
Together, let’s gather treasures that will last forever. Let’s put Jesus in our hearts, and He will lead us to love and serve others. Let’s treat Him as our King, and He will lead us to His kingdom. Let’s remember that this life is too short, so let’s might as well use it to gain eternal and lasting treasures.