
What If The Rejection You Are Facing Is God’s Way Of Protecting You?

You may have a lot of questions about your situation. You may wonder why you need to go through rejections in life. Yes, you find it hard to comprehend what’s happening, but what if God uses your situation to protect you from the things that will break your heart in the end? What if He is leading you to the right track again? The pain may try to consume your heart, and you may feel so devastated inside, but choose to trust in God because He knows what He is doing. He will never give you something that you can’t carry. He will never allow you to go through a situation that will destroy your life. Remember that you are always safe in the arms of God.

Please don’t treat the negative comments you receive as part of your identity. You are God’s creation, and you are not a mistake. People may not appreciate you as a person, but God knows your strength. He is aware of the things that you can do. So listen to Him instead of entertaining the thoughts that will just pull you down. Move forward and hold the hands of God along the journey. Do not look at the left or the right. Instead, focus on your goal, and that’s to bring glory to God.  Listen to the one who can make you grow into a better person. God will send the right people who will support you along the way. So fix your eyes on the blessings that God prepared for you.

Sometimes, rejection is God’s way of strengthening your heart. Maybe He is developing the emotional aspect of your life so that when you receive the blessings that He prepared for you, then you will not easily get swayed by the criticisms and hurtful words that you will receive from others. He is building your identity right now. He is teaching you how to hold on to the things that He has been telling you all this time. This is the perfect opportunity for you to believe in His promises and increase your faith.

God wants to protect you. He is leading you to the right path so put your trust in Him. Never doubt His goodness in your life. You may think that God abandons you right now, but the truth is, He never leaves your side. Fix your eyes on Him and let Him comfort you. He understands your heart, and He believes in you.


    • Teresa Walker

      Thank you for another post. I hear His voice clearly. I am devastated. Totally broken in heart and crushed in Spirit. I know He is with me, and will be no matter what comes this day. Thank You Father, for drawing me to Your Son, that I might be Your child. Bless this ministry. In Jesus Name.