His Word

What It Means To Have True Wealth

One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.

Proverbs 13:7, NIV

How do you define wealth? Is it something that you can buy, touch, or see? Or is it something that you can feel and take with you even through eternity?

Sometimes, we think that we are not rich enough because of the material things that we can’t possess or buy. We thought that the only way for us to feel comfortable and happy was for us to have more money.

It’s not that money is bad, it’s just sometimes, we already put our trust and security on the temporary things that we have. When we finally reach that part where we can actually buy anything we want, we then realize that though it gives us immediate happiness, it still won’t complete us in the end.

This is why this proverb reminds us that true riches are not about the things that we can see or buy; they’re more than that. Sometimes, true wealth is not tangible; it can only be felt deep within our souls. It’s the love that you receive from others or perhaps the peace and assurance that you receive from God.

It’s okay to buy the things you want, but if that desire keeps you away from what matters most in life, then expect to receive nothing in the end.

It’s better to look like a poor person but have love, peace, and true joy deep within. It doesn’t matter if people tend to look at you as someone who has nothing; what’s important is that you choose to serve God by helping others and sharing your blessings.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me what it means to have true wealth. Please keep my eyes on you so that I may choose to focus on doing what’s right instead of following the standards of this world. I pray for your guidance Lord, that I may not be tempted to gather the temporary riches of this world. Instead, I will choose to build heavenly riches that will glorify you in the end. This, I ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.