What Jesus Did
It is hard for humans
To freely give the things
That is a product of hard work
And great effort
We treat blessings
As very precious treasures
We preserve those things
Hold keeps them as long as we can
But what Jesus did is opposite
He freely gave us
The most expensive blessing
And it costs His life
He went through suffering
His blood was shed
His heart was torn
He was betrayed
He went through excruciating pain
So that we can be with Him in heaven
He gave His love away without hesitation
He offered everything
When we encounter difficulties
Let’s remember all His sacrifices
When we meet difficult people
Let’s not forget His goodness
When we are trapped in wrong decisions
Let’s choose to receive His grace
Only then will we realize
What it means to receive expensive gifts
When we freely live in His presence
We will also learn to offer
Our lives to others
And freely give love