What other People think of you is no Longer your Problem
The opinion of others can never define you if you don’t allow them. Focus on God and listen to His voice. He alone knows who you truly are. Remember that you can never control what other people are thinking. Their words can never harm you as long as you choose to believe in your identity in the Lord. You are His child, His precious treasure. You are not trash. You are redeemed for a price that you can never pay. That’s how valuable and important you are. Keep that in mind.
No one else could ever destroy you. Lift them up to God and let Him lead you to the right mindset. What’s important is you know what matters most at the end of the day. And it’s not about how other people see you. But it’s all about who you are in the eyes of God. Stay in His arms, and He will teach you how to handle the negative opinions you receive from others. Let Him lead you to His love, and you will also learn to love the people around you with all your heart.
Focus on the things that you can manage. Evaluate your thoughts and the way you see things. Let God change them so that you will learn how to handle your situation. Remember that what’s happening around you can never destruct you as long as you see them according to God’s perspective. You will learn a lot from the negative things that you experienced. Only if you know how to listen to God’s voice. He will reveal to you the lessons that you need to remember, and He will let you see the blessings behind what you experience. Just be humble and acknowledge the truth that you don’t know everything. Allow God to teach you, and your life will never be the same again. You will no longer treat the opinions of others as something against you. But you will see them according to how He sees things.
Listen to God. When our mind is so occupied with toxic thoughts. We will fail to acknowledge the voice of God. Release the negative things inside and fill them with God’s love. Surrender the things that are bothering you and be honest to Him. Cry out the bitterness and give Him all your pain. Purify your heart so that you can receive His promises. Fill your mind with good things so that you will not feel exhausted. You can only hear His voice when your heart is focused on Him. Put Him at the center so that you will be guided. He will be the one who will remind you about who you truly are in His eyes. He will change the way you receive negative feedback from others.
Pray for those people who caused you pain. Lift them up to God and declare blessings for them. Do not take revenge. Instead, let God take good care of them. In Him, you will find a peace that surpasses understanding. Just share to Him what you feel and let go of the bitterness inside. Turn your negative emotions into a powerful hymn of praise. Sing a song to God and remind yourself that you are His precious child. And no one else has the right to judge or condemn you.
God alone knows your story and what’s inside your heart, so connect to Him and just pray. Know that He is listening to you, and He will bless you even more. Remember that if you plant good things despite the negative opinions you hear, you will harvest great blessings. Take heart! Your prayers will never be in vain. One day, you will see its fruit, and you will reap a bountiful harvest.