
What you have can be an Answer to Someone’s Prayer

You are a blessing not because of your own efforts and skills but because you are one of God’s creations. He blessed you with enough resources so that you can serve and help others. Treat Him as the source of everything you receive, and you’ll learn to consult Him in every step you take. He gave you not just what you need, but He also wants you to provide support to others. If only you will realize the great things that you have inside, you will slowly learn to acknowledge the will of God.

The talent, skills, time, and money you have are not just there for your own pleasures. God wants you to utilize them for His glory. You can do it by treating yourself as a vessel of His goodness and love. When you acknowledge that He is the reason why you have that kind of life, you will learn to honor and please Him with the best that you can.

Share the resources that God has given you. Release His blessings, and don’t keep them for your own pleasure and benefit. Pray that God will open the eyes of your heart so that you will see the needs of the people around you, and He will fill your heart with His compassion. These resources include not only money and earthly possessions that you have but also include your time, skills, and talents. If you know that you have them, don’t hesitate to share them with those in need. When you learn to give what you have, God will bless you with even more. If you are faithful with the small things, He will give you the chance to help more people.

You are surrounded by your brothers and sisters who are crying out to God. If you will just listen to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, He will surely lead you to the right people that you can help. The blessings that you have can be an answered prayer to someone. God is just waiting for you to move? Pray for a teachable heart so that you will learn to be more sensitive to His directions.

Open your heart so that He can speak to you and give you instructions. You are carrying blessings that are meant to be shared. So don’t just think of yourself. Consider the needs of the people around you and share what you have with them.

God can only use you if you allow Him. You are not a robot. He gave you free will. That means He won’t force you to do things that you don’t want to do. He can only speak to your heart and convict you to serve, but you still need to make a choice. It’s a conscious decision that only you can make. You need to help out of pure intention and not just out of obligation. With a cheerful heart, genuinely share what you have, and you will be so blessed. Offer some help without expecting something in return, and let God reward you with eternal treasures.