What’s important is you are Trying to Become a Better Version of Yourself
Know that you are growing. You may not see the big changes in your life yet, but what’s important is you are trying your best to become a better person. Focus on the lessons that you learned along the journey and treat every failure as an opportunity for you to discover more of your potentials. Do not listen to the strange voice that says, “you are not good enough.” Remind yourself about your true identity in the Lord and keep walking. Do what’s right in the eyes of God, and you will always be guided. Sometimes, you will fail to value the journey because you are too focused on negative things that happened in your life. Choose to acknowledge the blessings behind all the uncertainties that you experienced.
Stop entertaining the lies of the enemy. You are who God says you are. Remember that He is your creator, and He alone holds your identity. You may hear painful comments from other people, but your Father in heaven sees your heart. He appreciates the little progress in your life. So do not stop walking because one day, you will be able to appreciate everything that He allows you to experience. Focus on your own path. You will find it hard to move forward if you keep on comparing yourself to others. Your journey is unique and special. God perfectly designed it for you according to your personality and potential. So trust in Him more than you rely on your own understanding.
Set your eyes on the things that will make you grow. Face the challenges and be excited for the lessons that you will learn. There are so many things that God wanted to teach you. So be patient and let your best teacher guide you. He will never condemn you for the mistakes that you will commit along the way. Instead, He will teach you how to work on the things that you need to change. He will transform the way you see things. And in Him, you will value your growth more than the temporary treasures you will acquire here on earth. You will appreciate the journey and not just the blessings that you will receive.
We all need to go through the process. Nobody is born ready. All of us will go through that stage when we feel so clueless about what’s going on in our lives. But even if we don’t know everything, God is always there to lead us to the right path. His hands are always ready to pick us up every time we stumble and fall. He will patiently remind us about the best thing that we can do so that we can live this life to the fullest and be the best version of ourselves.