
What’s Important is you Choose to Get up and Fight again

Things may not go according to your plans. You may experience so many setbacks in life. Pain may try to consume your heart. You may feel so broken inside, but what’s important is you never lose hope. You choose to get up and fight again. One day, all your struggles will end, and you will receive the blessings that you’ve been waiting for. So keep the faith because your efforts will never be in vain. Good things will still happen as long as you are breathing. If God gave you another day to live, then it means that you still have a purpose here on earth. Keep standing. Lean on God and trust in Him. He will help you win the battle you’ve been fighting.

God’s strength will help you overcome the pain. Rely on Him for His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. You can trust in His great love for you. Remember who you are in His eyes, and you will be empowered to take the next step even if you feel so tired. He will push you to keep moving. He will hold your hands until you learn to walk on the right path. Open your heart, and He will heal the wounds inside. And when you feel His presence, you will also gain the strength that you need. He already prepared everything, and all you have to do is to get up and keep the fight.

The brokenness you experienced will never be in vain. It builds you from the inside out. It teaches you to become a better person. You may not appreciate the lessons that you learned, but soon when you encounter storms in life, you will be able to apply everything. It will all make sense. One day, your questions will be answered. Just have faith and stop focusing on the difficulties you encounter. Look unto God and remember His amazing power. Know that in Him, your life will turn into a wonderful blessing not just for yourself but also for others.

You are doing great. People may not know what’s going on in your life. They may not appreciate everything that you did. But God sees your heart. He knows when you feel weak and tired, but still, you keep moving. He acknowledges all your efforts. So don’t worry about tomorrow because He will give you enough grace. Victory is yours as long as you choose to walk with God despite all the challenges life throws at you.

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