What’s the Use of all your Earthly Wealth if you are not Even Happy Within?
This world will give you so many ideas about the things that can make you happy. People will encourage you to earn a lot of money so that you can buy everything you want. Certain companies will attract you to avail of their products and promise you to experience relief and comfort. Sometimes, even your loved ones will motivate you to earn a degree and work in big organizations so that you will be able to get the best things in life. You are surrounded by hopes and promises that somehow motivate you to keep going. You think that achieving them can make you feel happy from within. But at the end of the day, you are the only one who can define your own happiness and not the people around you. Your earthly wealth means nothing if it can’t give you lasting joy.
Do the things that can make you whole, and the earthly treasures will follow. Yes, you have to earn money to survive, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But sometimes, people tend to focus on gaining wealth for the purpose of happiness. Your riches may entertain you, but they can never fill the empty spaces in your heart. Come to God, and He will put back the broken pieces together. Treat your relationship with Him as your greatest treasure, and you will never be tempted to make money as the God of your life. Remember that God blessed you so that you will also become a blessing to others.
Never sacrifice your own peace and happiness just for the sake of gaining temporary treasures. It’s okay to have big dreams, but never compromise the things that will matter most in the end, such as your relationship with God and your loved ones. Choose to grow from the inside out. Do not just focus on worldly success but remind yourself about what will please your Father in Heaven. Never forget that your life is just a gift from God. So while you are still breathing, try your best to make the most of what He gave you.
God alone can give you the kind of joy that will last forever. This is the kind of happiness that your earthly wealth can’t give. So seek Him above everything else. Put Him first, and He will lead you to the place where you will feel so happy and fulfilled. He knows the things that can satisfy your heart simply because He is your creator, and He sees what’s going on inside.