What’s with God that He still loved us even if we already abused His goodness?
God remained faithful despite our immature response to His love. He continues to pour out His blessings even though we choose to complain over the things He didn’t give to us. He fulfilled His promises even if we were so impatient. He was so steadfast even if we fail to appreciate the things that He is doing behind the scenes. God remained good. He never changes. What’s with Him that He never gave up on us despite our bad response to His grace? Why is it that He never gets tired of loving us? We somehow abused His kindness by the way we handled His resources. We waste His blessings and even complain about the things He already gave. We have become so entitled to what we receive that we can no longer even thank Him for His goodness. But His grace remained. Until now, we are still alive because of His blessings.
We don’t deserve this. Our sins should’ve led us to eternal condemnation. We should’ve experienced a life that is worse than we are currently living because of our wrong choices. But God is so kind. He can’t afford to see us suffer from hell. He needs to do something so that we will be saved. He needs to send someone who can rescue us from eternal pain. And who will He send? Who will carry the burden of our sins? It’s Jesus. He chose His precious son to suffer on our behalf. He sent His beloved to spread a message of hope to this world. Isn’t that incomprehensible? Why would a loving God sacrifice His own Son? Why did He choose us? We can’t repay what Jesus did, but God is not after our sacrifices and own effort. He wants our love and devotion.
And God will never force us to love Him. He did what’s right and continues to stay faithful until our eyes are opened to His great love. He respects our freedom to choose. He gave us all the free will. His love is always present, and it’s our choice if we will respond to Him or not. True love is not birthed out of control, but it’s an intentional decision that you need to make. You will never experience the fullness of His love not unless you accept Him with all your heart. God will wait, but not forever. One day, Jesus will come back and judge everyone. He will take His people with Him and bring them to the place that He prepared.
So don’t take His love for granted. Don’t wait for things to be too late. Stop abusing His goodness because the harsh truth is time will come when you will be judged by God. He will give your life a conclusion, and when that day comes, I hope you will never regret anything. When judgment happens, may your heart be filled with love and thanksgiving and not with pain and regrets.