
When Disappointment and Frustrations Strike In

Don’t be discouraged
Don’t be frustrated
Because time will come
That all the frustrations that you have inside
Will disappear
And God will replace it with His great Love

He will heal the scars of your heart
And you will experience freedom
But you need to be patient
You need to learn how to wait
You need to endure and go through the process

Sometimes, the journey may be tough and difficult
But you need to endure
You need to learn how to appreciate the present
Because only then you will value
The things that you’ve been through
And even the people that you met along the way

Everybody has their own standards
But the challenge is
How will we be able to apply the standards of God
Rather than the standards of this world

Sometimes frustrations come from expectations of others
We tend to put our hope in it
And end up frustrated
Because at the end of the day
No one is perfect
And we all commit mistakes

So instead of putting all your trust to the people around you
Depend more on God
And He will give you the courage and faith that you need
So that you will grow and flourish

Trust Him even more
Surrender everything to Him
And all your disappointments and frustrations
Will be gone

Only God can give you another perspective in life
He alone can change your mind
He alone can transform you
That’s why don’t rely too much on your emotion

Listen to the voice of God
And allow His words to transform you
Everything will pass
But not the faithfulness of God in our lives

So put this in mind
It’s just a challenge that you need to face
After this, you will never be the same again

One Comment

  • Carl

    Thank you so much for this wonder full everlasting thoughts in your mind. there’s so much to learn and to be patiently waiting. God is good all the time. appreciate your good wisdom from holy father, my God bless you, me us all the time. Salamat sa’yo Dear Krizajo.Tanduyan