His Word

When God Allows Us To Go Through Struggles

When it was daylight, the magistrates sent their officers to the jailer with the order: “Release those men.” The jailer told Paul, “The magistrates have ordered that you and Silas be released. Now you can leave. Go in peace.”

Acts 16:35-36, NIV

Paul and Silas were in prison and experienced a supernatural thing while they worshipped God there. The chains were broken, and the prison doors opened. They could’ve escaped during that moment, but they chose to stay and share the love of God with the jailer. The next day, the magistrates ordered them to be released.

If God planned to release them a day after they were beaten, then why did the earthquake happen and open the prison doors? Perhaps it’s possible that God sent the earthquake not to set Paul and Silas free but to save a jailer and his entire household.

Sometimes, when we go through difficulties and hardships in life, we tend to ask God to immediately save us from the situation that we are in. Maybe, if we experienced what Paul and Silas went through, the first thing that we would probably do was to worship God and ask Him to set us free. And when He would send an earthquake and open the prison doors, maybe we have already escaped and forgot about the purpose of why God put us there. If our focus was to save ourselves, the jailer and his household wouldn’t be saved.

What if God purposely led us to uncomfortable places so that we would be able to share His love with the people who were there? What if the reason why He allowed you to go through difficulties is for you to learn how to share His grace with those who were also struggling? What if, just like Paul and Silas, God allowed us to experience suffering so that we will be able to connect to those who are in pain?

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me about the desires of your heart. Thank you for teaching about your grace and your great plans. I pray that you fill my heart with faith especially when I go through difficulties. So that I will be able to do your will. Guide me Lord, that I may learn to surrender the selfish desires of my heart and allow your love to take over. This I ask, in Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.