When God Asks You To Do The Hard Things
God is more concerned with the things that will help you grow rather than the things that will pamper you. That’s why, most of the time, He will challenge you to try the hard things. And it’s not that God wants to punish or hurt you. He knows that behind the difficulties that you face are lessons that you will learn. Behind the storms that you will encounter are opportunities for you to grow and become a better person. That’s why, every time you go through seasons of pain and so many “what if’s”, imagine that God prepared wonderful blessings behind the scenes. He is molding your heart and purifying your soul. Trust that you will make it through because His grace will stay with you.
God knows you. He will never ask you to face problems that you can’t handle. Remember that He sees your future. You may find it hard to understand why you need to go through painful moments, but let your loving Father lead you to the path that He orchestrated. Focus not on the difficulties but on the blessings that He prepared. He is holding your hands. You may not feel Him because the pain is more real than His promises, but He is moving. He is giving you more than enough grace. In fact, He even prepared the things that you need before you ask them. So let the difficult moments in your life push you to experience more His presence.
Treat the hard things as His precious gift because it will lead you to trust in Him. The storms will give you opportunities to know God on a deeper level. You never know what He prepared for you unless you patiently go through the process and allow Him to move. It may take some time before you figure out what exactly He is doing, but in His arms, you will always receive assurance. When you overcome the storms, your faith in Him will never be the same. You will end up thanking Him for allowing you to know Him more.
You will learn and grow after you go through the difficulties. Your perspective will be aligned with His words. Take heart! Your journey may be hard, but it’s going to be worth it. Believe that God prepared something beautiful in the end. He loves you so much. It’s His delight to see you fulfilled and whole. He cares for you more than you know. So, submit to Him all your worries and cares. Surrender all your weaknesses, and His love will push you to obey in His will.
Image Credits: Photo by Charles Etoroma on Unsplash