
When God gave you a Desire that is beyond your ability

God’s purpose in your life is always greater than yourself, and it’s not that He wants to make you feel intimidated, but He wants you to trust in Him and rely on His grace. When the desires that He planted is beyond what you can do, then it means that God will move in your life. He doesn’t want you to boast in your own ability. Instead, you need to depend on Him. You will know that it’s a God-given dream when you acknowledge to yourself that you can’t do it on your own because by then, you will fully trust in God’s hands.

Thank Him because He planted that desire in your heart. It means that you are about to experience great miracles that are so hard to comprehend. Just keep walking in His presence and learn His lessons. Be patient and let Him walk with you along the journey.

Ask God’s guidance. He will not reveal to you your destination if you are not prepared enough. So listen to His instructions. And be patient along the process. You will go through many situations that will test your character. Sometimes, it’s going to be heartbreaking because God will touch the deepest part of your soul. It means that He will let you face the wounds in your heart. It won’t be easy, but keep your faith and hold His hands.

Allow Him to build your foundation so that when His great blessings arrive, you won’t be tempted to waste them. Instead, you will have the wisdom to properly steward them. Pray for a teachable heart and keep listening to His voice. You will arrive in the perfect place that God prepared. Just abide in Him, and He will lead you there.

Depend on His grace. Do not look at your own ability. Remember that where God guides, He provides. It means that He will move supernaturally and give you the skills, wisdom, and abilities that you need. His grace will empower you to keep moving forward. So when you are weak, just connect to God’s heart, and He will give you enough strength.

Trust in His power and not on your own talents and resources. Treat God as the source of every blessing, and you will never run dry. In His presence, you will lack nothing. Wait until He gives you instructions. Let your faith be greater than your fears. Receive God’s power in your life and treat Him as your King.

Grow closer to God. And He will lead you to the right opportunities. You need to seek His face so that you’ll know what to do next. Stay connected to His heart, and He will reveal to you the wisdom so that you can fulfill the dreams that He planted. Put Him first in everything that you do. Consult His words and be guided by His love. Be excited for what’s ahead. Know that it’s beyond what you can imagine. One day, you will victoriously fulfill God’s calling. And it’s not because of your own efforts but all because of His grace.