When God Instructs Us To Take One Step At A Time
“Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
Acts 9:6, NIV
As Saul was on a journey going to Damascus, he personally encountered Jesus. After that, He gave him a simple instruction about what to do next. He didn’t explain or gave him the assurance that we usually wanted to hear. Instead, he provided a simple step that he could follow. Sometimes, Jesus doesn’t give us the exact details about what’s going on in our lives. He doesn’t explain things to us simply because He knows what we need.
We may think that we need to understand and comprehend everything before we could follow Him, but all it takes is for us to have faith. Sometimes we don’t need the assurance, but what all we need is to trust in His instructions. Just like what He did to Saul, He would usually instruct us to take one step at a time.
When Saul met Jesus, He didn’t immediately reveal to him the purpose behind what He was doing. Instead, he gave a command that Saul could follow. He may not understand the reason why he needed to get up and go into the city. He may not have any idea about what was waiting for Him, but still, He followed what Jesus said.
In life, we will also encounter seasons and situations that don’t make sense. Those are days when we badly wanted God to answer all our questions and explain to us what’s happening. But sadly, He doesn’t always answer. And it’s not that God doesn’t care, it’s just He knew what matter’s most in the end. What we need are not the answers, but just the faith to believe in His promises. And for that faith to grow, He sometimes give our daily bread, and not the yearly supplies. He only provides what we need as of the moment.
So, if you are going through season that you don’t understand. Then trust that God will lead you to the next steps that you will take. Believe that He will give you the succeeding instructions after you overcome every stage of the journey. Pray for your daily bread. Stop complaining. Instead, have faith that God will guide you through the end.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for loving me. Thank you for being my companion throughout the journey. Please give me a heart that’s willing to trust you especially when I can’t understand the things that are going on in my life. Remind me to obey your instructions and abide in your ways. May you never get tired of guiding me every single day. This I ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.