When God Leads, It Doesn’t Mean That The Road Will Be Smooth And Easy
Following God doesn’t mean you will experience life that is free from problems and challenges. If you allow Him to lead, then that simply means you will go to the place that God wants you to visit. And those places are not always comfortable. The road will not be smooth and easy. You will go through some unexpected turns and twists. Sometimes, it’s exciting, but there are also moments when it feels so painful within. It depends upon the plans that God prepared for you. He will mold you according to the future that He wanted you to experience. Just be patient along the way. And choose to increase your faith no matter what happens.
God is your best coach. He already prepared the best exercise for you so that when the big day comes, you will have enough endurance to face it. He will train you until you are ready to overcome the bigger obstacles in life. So when you can’t seem to understand what the coach is doing, then just choose to trust in Him. He knows what’s best for you. Just keep on moving and follow His instructions. Stop asking for explanations, instead remind yourself that your Mentor is all-knowing. He is wiser than any coach you could ever have here on earth. Depend on His will, and you will always be on the right track.
Endure the challenges because it will make you grow as a person. Imagine that behind the problems you are facing are vitamins and supplements that will help you grow into a better person. Take the lessons as treasures that can never be taken away from you. It will serve as your best asset in life. You may fail to appreciate it for now, but you will be able to apply those important lessons in God’s perfect timing. Sometimes, you can’t find those lessons along the smooth and easy road that you are taking. Instead, you will encounter it when you go through the rocky and bumpy roads that God allows you to pass through. Remind yourself that there are hidden blessings behind the difficulties you are facing.
Know that God is with you along the journey. He will never leave you. He will hold your hands so that you will not easily get hurt when you encounter challenges. Continue to abide in His presence and let His love be your only assurance that you will overcome everything that you’ve been through. One day, when you look back to the things that God allowed you to experience, you will feel so contented and happy within because you realize that it’s the only reason why you feel so close to Him.