His Word

When God Sends His Servants

When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.

Acts 8:39, NIV

Philip was sent by God’s spirit to a desert road to share Jesus to an Ethiopian Eunuch. When he heard the official reading the book of Isaiah, he explained to him what it truly meant. Eventually, they saw some water, and the Eunuch decided to be baptized. When he came up out of the water, the spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away. But one of the notable things we could learn from the Eunuch was that he didn’t panic and got disappointed because the person who shared him about Jesus was gone. Instead, he went on his way, rejoicing.

His reaction simply means that he wasn’t really focusing on the man that God sent. Instead, his eyes were fixed on his savior. Perhaps he knew that God purposely sent Philip as a vessel. It was also evident that He believed with all his heart that Jesus was already inside of Him because His presence was more important than Philip’s absence. He went home rejoicing because He knew that he already had everything he needed.

This is a very powerful reminder for us not to anchor our hopes and identities in God’s people. Let’s not forget that just Philip, they were also God’s vessels. They shouldn’t be the source of our value or love. Instead, let’s treat them as God’s servants. There’s nothing wrong with admiring those who were sent by God, but may we never be shaken by their absence in our lives. And just like what the Eunuch did, may we choose to rejoice, even in moments when God would lead them to another journey.

It’s good to have a spiritual mentor or leader. But there are certain seasons in life when God would lead and send them to other broken people. When that happens, choose to apply what you learned from the Eunuch. Go in your way and rejoice in the arms of God. Be thankful for their lives, and never forget what they taught you. Move forward and trust that God will be there to guide you. He will send the right people in His perfect timing.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for sending the right people in my life. As I walk with you, Lord, teach me how to let go of the people that I need to let go. Teach me how to hold on to your promises. Remind me not to anchor my hopes and identity to the person that you sent. And just like the Ethiopian Eunuch, give me the grace to move forward and rejoice in your presence. This I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.