
When God takes you away from the Crowd

God wants you to know Him intimately. He wants to treat you in a unique way. And it’s always according to how He created you. Sometimes, you won’t appreciate His blessings when you are surrounded by so many people. In order for Him to personally connect and touch your soul, He needs to take you away from the crowd. He will let you visit a place where you only have Him, and you’ll stop relying on other people.

At first, it feels so uncomfortable. You won’t be surrounded by your friends or by those you used to trust. You will find yourself missing the good old days. But later on, you will realize that God is teaching you another aspect of Him that you can’t discover if you are in the crowd. He will reveal to you His heart, and only then will you learn to thank Him for allowing you to go through the hard times.

You need to learn how to differentiate the voice of God from the voice of the people. He isolates you for a specific season so that you’ll be more familiar with His ways and wisdom. The voice of the crowd is not necessarily the voice of God. Just because you are surrounded by people who are saying the same thing doesn’t mean they are right. You must to learn how to discern. And most of the time, you will develop that gift in the wilderness season.

In moments when you are struggling, that’s when you’ll learn life-changing lessons that will help you along the journey. You may not understand the season you are in, but know that God is building your foundation. He is healing your wounds, and He is giving you the chance to know Him intimately. Just don’t walk away from His presence when things get tough. Instead, choose to abide in His ways and trust in His heart.

Don’t worry. God knows what He is doing. You may feel so lonely but He is with you. He never leaves your side. He is having a one on one moment with you. Instead of treating the difficult season as something negative, try to look at it according to God’s perspective. He is giving you the chance to encounter His love from a deeper level.

This time, you will personally hear His voice, and you will slowly learn from His ways. Maybe in the past, you are just relying on other people’s revelation about God, but in this moment, He will reveal Himself to you. He will open your eyes and your heart so that you will experience first-hand what it means to love and obey Him.

After the difficult season will be breakthroughs and victories. When you fully learn the lessons that God wants you to know, then He will take you to the place where can you apply them. Just be excited and be in receiving mode. Open your heart for more of Him and enjoy the moments you that had together. He will not only make you feel blessed, but He will also use you to become a blessing to others. When you are ready, God will bring you closer to so many people. But this time around, you will recognize His voice and follow His ways.

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