
When God’s ways Don’t Make Sense

Have you ever tried to question the ways of God in your life? We all go through that moment when it seems like nothing good is happening. We tend to wonder why God allowed us to go through certain situations. It’s one of the hardest seasons that we will experience, but it’s also the time when we realize how unpredictable God is. We can never fathom His ways. Every time we go through unexpected circumstances, we will discover that our knowledge is nothing compared to His wisdom. It’s like a humbling moment that brings us back to our original place. It’s when we fully internalize the truth that we are nothing without God’s guidance. It makes us feel so weak, yet the difficult moments open our eyes to how strong and big God is. Good things happen when our situations don’t make sense, but we need the Holy Spirit’s help in order for us to treasure every season that God allowed us to experience.

Here are the things that we can do every time we can’t understand what’s going on:

  1. Let’s pray for a teachable and patient heart.

Human as we are, we want to be in control. If possible, we want to know what will happen in the future. But this life is so unpredictable, and we need to accept that hard truth. Unless we acknowledge the fact that there are things in life that we don’t know, we will always rely on our own understanding. We need to pray for a teachable heart that’s willing to learn hard things in life. We must remember that what we have in mind is not enough for us to overcome every season that comes our way. After all, we are just humans who have limited understanding, and God alone knows everything. So we must choose to rely on Him and patiently wait for His promises to be fulfilled. It won’t happen instantly, but let’s keep praying so that we will have enough strength.

2. Let’s increase our faith.

Remember that God is faithful enough to fulfill His promises. So don’t easily give up. We must believe with all our hearts that great things will happen in our lives. Let’s command our minds to think of beautiful things. We must not allow our fears to consume our thoughts. Let’s live according to God’s words. Let’s follow His ways even if you can’t see any changes. Know that God is good, and that will never change. The bible even said that “nothing is impossible for those who believe.” So God is powerful enough to change our situation. If He won’t do something in our situation, He is changing how we see things.

May God give us peace when we feel so confused. Let’s receive His wisdom and understanding so that we will know the best thing that we can do. Let’s not focus on our situation. We will feel so down if we keep on thinking about the mess we face. We must set our eyes on His blessings and remember that He is in charge. Let’s receive His love and rest in His presence. Let’s embrace His grace and let His goodness assure us that things will be okay. He is preparing a big surprise for all of us. We just have to allow Him to perform miracles and wait until He reveals to us what He is doing behind the scene. We may not understand His ways, but let’s trust His heart. God knows what He is doing.

One Comment

  • Hanton

    AMEN. This is what my heart needs. I must remember this day on how Lord God make me see life in a different perspective and know what is in my heart, Mommy and Norway, and that will be able to save me from the worst that could happen. Tusen Takk and AMEN💙🙏.