When It Becomes Painful To Wait
“There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens”
Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV
It’s not always easy to wait. Especially when you have already set your own timeline. But there are just uncontrollable situations that would lead us to surrender and trust in God’s plans. Sometimes, there is pain along the process of waiting. There will be voices that whisper lies in your head, making you feel so disappointed. When you are in an environment where people tend to push their own standards, there’s a tendency for them to compare your life to others. That’s when the pain starts to creep in, to the point that you already feel shame because you never received the very thing that people expect you to have.
If, by chance, you are walking along the waiting season, then keep this in mind: there is a time for everything. You may find it hard to comprehend the reason why God asked you to wait, but He alone knows what you need. He is aware of what will happen next. It means that before He gives you answers, He looks at your capacity to steward the blessings you prayed for. There’s a reason why God says ‘wait’ for now. Perhaps He still wants your faith to grow. Perhaps it’s a blessing in disguise. Maybe He is protecting you in ways you can’t easily understand.
So, when waiting becomes painful, it means God is giving you the chance to grow your faith. He is asking you to trust Him. He needs to build a strong foundation in your life so that when you receive your answered prayer, you will have the character to steward it properly. Just allow God to mold you in this season. Let the tears and the pain lead you to remain humble. Let it remind you that God is sovereign, after all. And when you can’t find hope and assurance, go to the bible. Read His word. Be equipped with His promises, and you will receive enough grace.
One day, you will thank God for molding you into a person you never expected you would become. You will be amazed by how He orchestrated the perfect seasons in your life. You may not appreciate them in the present, but soon, you will feel in awe of His goodness and love. So, while you wait, keep your faith. Surrender the things you can’t control to God and allow Him to take over. Give up the pen, and He will write a beautiful story for you.
Photo by Den Trushtin on Unsplash