Self Development

When People Released Hurtful Words About you

They will curse, but You bless; When they arise, they will be ashamed, but Your servant will be glad.

Psalms 109:28, NASB

Words are powerful. Then can make or break your heart. If you don’t know how to deal with the hurtful words you receive from others, then it will slowly bring you down. Choose to listen to God and let Him teach you how to manage it. It says in His word that others may curse you, but what’s important is that God will bless you. So go after the good things that He prepared. Know that people can never destroy your soul unless you allow them.

Look unto God and let His voice serves as a light that will guide you through the right path. The painful words you receive are like a sharp sword that can break you into pieces. If you don’t guard your heart, then you will easily be swayed by what you hear from others. So always remember that every good thing comes from the Lord. Focus on His blessings and not on what other people are saying.

Know who you truly are. The words of other people will not affect you as long as you know your true identity. Do not seek it from others but listen to what God is saying. He alone knows who you are because He is the one who created you. He is aware of the things that will make you happy or sad. Your Heavenly Father alone knows your purpose. So focus on Him, and He will reveal to you the things that He prepared.

He will let you see the blessings and the resources that He gave. You may think that those who mistreat you are experiencing good things in life, but the truth is they will be ashamed, for God will honor you in the end. If you choose to follow Him, then expect that His joy will be there to give you the courage to keep going despite what others are saying.

Keep following His voice. Read the bible, and there, you will find so many principles that will remind you of what’s in God’s heart. When you know more about Him, your perspective about yourself will also change. And in His Word, you will discover that you are not who people say you are, but you are God’s precious child. So continue to stay in His presence even when you are surrounded by negative things.

Do not focus on other people but keep in mind the good things that God did so that you will have the courage to fulfill the desires that He planted in your heart. Let the pain remind you that people are not perfect. That’s why you need to keep your faith in God first before you learn to trust them.

Do not give other people the authority to destroy your soul. Protect yourself by staying in the presence of God. Fill your thoughts with His words and promises. Keep growing in the Lord, and remember that life is not about believing what other people say, but it’s about honoring God and treating Him as your King. Know that humans are not perfect, and the hurtful words that they release can’t disturb you as long as you focus on God’s blessings. His love for you is greater than the pain you experienced from others.